Perform a failover at volume level.

1. Check access to source and destination volume

root:~# ls /mnt/210/src_dp
root:~# ls /mnt/212/dst_dp
(NOTE: the volumes contain no files yet

2. Create some files in the source volume
root:# cd /mnt/210/src_dp
root:/mnt/210/src_dp# touch a b c d
root:/mnt/210/src_dp# cd /

3. Run a snapmirror update
cl2::*> snapmirror update -destination-path v_dst:dst_dp

4. Check that the files were replicated and that the destination is readonly
root:/# cd /mnt/212/dst_dp/
root:/mnt/212/dst_dp# ls
a b c d
root:/mnt/212/dst_dp# touch e
touch: cannot touch 'e': Read-only file system

5. Break the relationship
cl2::*> snapmirror break -destination-path v_dst:dst_dp

6. Create a file on the destination
root:/mnt/212/dst_dp# touch e

7. Reverse resync
cl1::*> snapmirror create -source-path v_dst:dst_dp -destination-path v_src:src_dp
cl1::*> snapmirror resync -destination-path v_src:src_dp

8. Check that the original source volume is read-only
root:/# cd /mnt/210/src_dp
root:/mnt/210/src_dp# touch f
touch: cannot touch 'f': Read-only file system

9. Establish the original snapmirror
cl1::*> snapmirror break -destination-path v_src:src_dp
cl1::*> snapmirror delete -destination-path v_src:src_dp
cl2::*> snapmirror resync -destination-path v_dst:dst_dp

- back -