Setup snapmirror relations between the created volumes
# create and initialize the relationship for dp
cl2::*> snapmirror create -source-path v_src:src_dp -destination-path v_dst:dst_dp
cl2::*> snapmirror initialize -destination-path v_dst:dst_dp
# create snapmirror policy and modify the relationship's policy and schedule
cl2::*> snapmirror policy create -vserver v_dst -policy dp_pol -type async-mirror
cl2::*> snapmirror modify -destination-path v_dst:dst_dp -schedule 5min -policy dp_pol
# create and initialize the relationship for xdp
cl2::*> snapmirror create -source-path v_src:src_xdp -destination-path v_dst:dst_xdp -type xdp
cl2::*> snapmirror initialize -destination-path v_dst:dst_xdp
# create snapmirror policy and modify the relationship's policy and schedule
cl2::*> snapmirror policy create -vserver v_dst -policy xdp_pol -type vault
cl2::*> snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver v_dst -policy xdp_pol -snapmirror-label xdp_label -keep 5
cl2::*> snapmirror modify -destination-path v_dst:dst_xdp -schedule 5min -policy xdp_pol
# create a snapshot policy on cl1 for the xdp relationship
cl1::*> snapshot policy create -vserver v_src -policy xdp_pol -enabled true -schedule1 5min -count1 1 -snapmirror-label1 xdp_label
cl1::*> vol modify -vserver v_src -volume src_xdp -snapshot-policy xdp_pol
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