Monthly Archives: September 2016

cdot snapmirror exercise with commands

1. Create a new SVM (SVMcl1) on cluster1 and add a LIF to the SVM: vserver create -vserver SVMcl1 -rootvolume root -aggregate aggr1_n1 -rootvolume-security-style unix net int create -vserver SVMcl1 -lif lif1 -address -netmask -role data \ … Continue reading

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cdot snapmirror exercise without commands

1. Create a new SVM (SVMcl1) on cluster1 and add a LIF to the SVM: 2. Add a 500MB volume (cl1data) to the SVM with junction-path: /data 3. Add an export-policy with a rule for the CentOS VM: ( … Continue reading

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