clustermode rootvol backup

selectfix::> set diag

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selectfix::*> system configuration backup settings show -instance

Backup Destination URL: -
Username for Destination: -
Schedule 1: 8hour
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 1: 2
Schedule 1 Enabled: true
Schedule 2: daily
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 2: 2
Schedule 2 Enabled: true
Schedule 3: weekly
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 3: 2
Schedule 3 Enabled: true

Make sure the cluster level backup jobs for 8 hour, daily and weekly schedules are created:

selectfix::*> job show
Job ID Name Vserver Node State
------ -------------------- ---------- -------------- ----------
1 Certificate Expiry Check
selectfix asdf Queued
Description: Certificate Expiry Check
2 Licensing selectfix asdf Queued
Description: License Checking
selectfix - Queued
Description: Cluster Backup Job
selectfix - Queued
Description: Cluster Backup Job
selectfix - Queued
Description: Cluster Backup Job

If any of the above indicators is negative, restart mgwd from FreeBSD or reboot the node.

Cause 2: Failure of Backup Archive Creation

How to determine if this is the cause:

Log messages indicating failure of Backup Archive Creation:

cluster_backup_job::queue_local_backup_jobs - Failed to queue local job for %s. Error: %s
cluster_backup_job::check_for_node_backups - Node: %s Backup Errored.
cluster_backup_job::check_for_node_backups - Failed to get job info for node: %s
cluster_backup_job::queue_local_backup_jobs - The node %s is not included in cluster backup
config_backup_create_handler::create_local_tarball - Failed to get the value of the bootarg.init.cfimagebase variable
config_backup_create_handler::create_snapshot - Failed to get rdb version
fill_node_backup_list - Could not find the directory %s to be backed-up
generate_cluster_conf_manifest - Could not determine the cluster uuid
generate_cluster_conf_manifest - Could not determine the software version
generate_node_conf_manifest - Could not determine the software version
generate_node_conf_manifest - Could not determine the hardware model
config_backup_restore_ops::create_dir - Failed to create the backup dir because of: %d
config_backup_restore_ops::create_dir - Found a non-directory in place of the backup dir
config_backup_restore_ops::create_dir - Found invalid permissions on backup dir
config_backup_create_handler::create_snapshot - root snapshot delete zapi failed: retval: %s
config_backup_restore_ops::clean_snapshots - failed to delete snapshot %s
config_backup_create_handler - failed to delete the temp dir %s
The following EMS messages are generated:


Message Type - Backup file creation failed.
This message occurs when the configuration backup cannot be created.
Source - filer
Sample Message - The %s configuration backup %s cannot be created. Error: '%s'.
Corrective Action: If the reason is the root volume file system, ensure that it is available and has enough space to create a backup. If the reason is that a scheduled backup file could not be created, create the backup file manually, and upload it to the remote URL.

Message Type - Backup file deletion failed.
This message occurs when an old configuration backup cannot be deleted.
Source - filer
Sample Message - The %s configuration backup %s on node %s cannot be deleted. Error: '%s'.
Corrective Action: Ensure that the node is accessible and healthy. If necessary, delete the backup manually.

Message Type - Deletion of root volume snapshot failed.
This message occurs when a Snapshot(tm) copy on the root volume cannot be deleted. The Snapshot copy was created during a configuration backup.
Source - filer
Sample Message - Snapshot copy %s on the root volume cannot be deleted on node %s. Error: '%s'.
Corrective Action: Ensure that the root volume file system is available.

Make sure that scheduled backups are created and distributed within the cluster:

selectfix::*> system configuration backup show
Node Backup Tarball Time Size
--------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------ -----
asdf asdf.on_demand.917.2011-05-20.19_40_34.7z 05/20 19:40:34 9.53MB
asdf selectfix.8hour.2011-07-07.18_15_00.7z 07/07 18:15:00 12.94MB
asdf selectfix.8hour.2011-07-12.17_41_14.7z 07/12 17:41:14 8.52MB
asdf selectfix.daily.2011-07-07.00_10_10.7z 07/07 00:10:10 15.41MB
asdf selectfix.daily.2011-07-12.17_41_14.7z 07/12 17:41:14 8.52MB
asdf selectfix.on_demand.1382.2011-06-22.18_30_05.7z
06/22 18:30:05 16.02MB
asdf selectfix.weekly.2011-06-05.00_15_00.7z 06/05 00:15:00 12.06MB

Make sure the EMS messages are logged indicating that the backup files are created successfully:

selectfix::*> event log show -messagename mgmtgwd.configbr.*
Time Node Severity Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
7/12/2011 17:43:37 asdf NOTICE mgmtgwd.configbr.backupCompleted: Scheduled configuration backup selectfix.daily.2011-07-12.17_41_14.7z was created successfully.
7/12/2011 17:43:36 asdf NOTICE mgmtgwd.configbr.backupCompleted: Scheduled configuration backup selectfix.8hour.2011-07-12.17_41_14.7z was created successfully.

If the reason is the root volume file system, ensure that it is available, and has enough space to create a backup. If the reason is that a scheduled backup file could not be created, create the backup file manually and upload it to the remote URL.

Cause 3: Failure of Distribution of Backup Archive

How to determine if this is the cause:

Log messages indicating failure of distribution of the backup archive:

cluster_backup_job::transfer_node_backup - subscribe failed with error %s on %s
cluster_backup_job::transfer_node_backup - unpublish failed with error %s on %s
cluster_backup_job::check_for_transfering_nodes - unpublish failed with error %s
cluster_backup_job::check_for_distribute_completed - Node: %s Distribute Errored.
cluster_backup_job::check_for_distribute_completed - Failed to get job info for node: %s
cluster_backup_job::check_for_distribute_completed - Failed to get job info for node: %s
config_backup_create_handler::handle_cluster_backup - distribute_and_rotate_cluster_backup failed with error
The following ems message is generated: mgmtgwd.configbr.distributeFailed

Message Type - Distribution of a backup file to another node failed.
This message occurs when a configuration backup cannot be distributed to another node in the cluster.
Source - filer
Sample Message - Configuration backup %s cannot be distributed to node %s. Error: '%s'.
Corrective Action: See the Resolution below

Ensure that the destination node is accessible and healthy. If necessary, upload the backup file to the remote URL to increase the availability of the backup file.

Cause 4: Failure of Upload of Backup Archive

How to determine if this is the cause:

The following EMS message is generated: mgmtgwd.configbr.uploadFailed

Message Type - Failure to upload a backup file to a remote URL.
This message occurs when the configuration backup cannot be uploaded to the destination URL.
Source - filer
Sample Message - Configuration backup file %s cannot be uploaded to the destination URL %s. Error: '%s'.
Corrective Action: See the Resolution below

Ensure that the destination URL is reachable, the protocol in the URL is supported, and the user credentials are valid.

Cause 5: Failure when obtaining backup information

How to determine if this is the cause:

Log messages indicating failure when obtaining backup information:

get_backup_file_info - failed to stat the source %s
get_backup_file_info - %s is not a regular file
get_backup_file_info - Failed to create the manifest dir(%s)
get_backup_file_info - failed to untar MANIFEST from the backup file: %s
get_backup_file_info - failed to untar MANIFEST from the backup file: %s
get_backup_file_info - failed to read MANIFEST file: %s
get_backup_file_info - Failed to delete the temp manifest dir %s
config_backup_restore_ops::parse_manifest - Could not open the MANIFEST file %s for reading

If the reason is the root volume file system, ensure that it is available. Make sure that the backup files are in the root volume under the /mroot/etc/backups/config directory.

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