#setup smtpserver and sender, smtpserver should be reachable.
event config modify -mailserver smtp.online.nl -mailfrom petervanderweerd@gmail.com
#check your settings
event config show
Mail From: petervanderweerd@gmail.com
Mail Server: smtp.online.nl
#create destination for critical messages. the recipient will receive
#everything sent to the destination
event destination create -name critical_messages -mail p.w@planet.nl
#add message severity to destination. all messages with the
#particular severity will be sent to the destination
event route add-destinations {-severity <=CRITICAL} -destinations critical_messages
#check your settings
event route show -severity <=CRITICAL
#prevent flooding example, the message will be sent once per hour max.
event route modify -messagename bootfs.varfs.issue -timethreshold 3600
set d
event generate -messagename cpeer.unavailable -values "hello"