cdot intercluster snapmirror (1)

1. what you need:
two clusters
e.g. cl1 and cl2

two free ports per node. (the ports should not contain lifs)
net port  show
net int  show
select 2 ports per node and write them down. for both clusters.
e.g e0e e0f

2. what you do:
you set the ports to the intercluster role

net port modify -node cl1-01 -port e0e -role intercluster

you do this for all selected ports on all nodes (8 ports in total)

3. set up a lif for the intercluster relation on all four nodes

(source cluster)
net int create -vserver cl1-01 -lif cl1_l1 -role intercluster -home-node
cl1-01 -home-port e0e -address -netmask

(destnation cluster)
net int create -vserver cl2-01 -lif cl2_l1 -role intercluster -home-node
cl2-01 -home-port e0e -address -netmask

4. now set up the intercluster relationship:

on the source cluster run the following command

cluster peer create -peer-addr -username admin
cluster peer health show

5. now set up a vserver on the source cluster (or use an existing one).
also set up a vserver on the destination cluster.

create a volume in the source vserver and use the snapmirror wizard
in system manager to set up a relationship. you can run the wizard
from the destination vserver for example.


run the following commands to set up a volume pair to be snapmirrored:

(source cluster)
vserver create -vserver vsource -rootvolume rootvol -rootvolume-security-style unix
-aggregate aggr2 -ns-switch file
vol create -vserver vsource -volume volsource -aggregate aggr2 -size 100m

(destination cluster)
vserver create -vserver vdest -rootvolume rootvol -rootvolume-security-style unix
-aggregate aggr2 -ns-switch file
vol create -vserver vdest -volume voldest -aggregate aggr2 -size 100m -type dp

snapmirror create -source-path cl1://vsource/volsource -destination-path
cl2://vdest/voldest -type dp
snapmirror initialize -destination-path cl2://vdest/voldest
snapmirror modify -destination-path cl2://vdest/voldest -schedule 5min
snapmirror update -destination-path cl2://vdest/voldest
snapmirror show
snapmirror break -destination-path cl2://vdest/voldest
snapmirror resync ...... etcetera


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