Cluster names: cl1 and cl2
Vserver names:source and dest
Volume names: lvol1 and dest
Ip-addresses and
cl1::> vserver create -vserver source -subtype default -rootvolume rv -aggregate n1_aggr1 -rootvolume-security-style unix
cl1::> vol create -vserver source -volume lvol -aggregate n1_aggr2 -size 2g -state online -policy default -unix-permissions ---rwxr-xr-x -junction-path /lvolsource -subtype default -rootvolume rv -aggregate n1_aggr1 -rootvolume-security-style unix
cl1::> lun create -vserver sourcee 1gth /vol/lvol/l1 -size 1g -ostype windows -space-reserve enabled -space-allocation disabled
cl1::> iscsi create -vserver source -target-alias source
cl1::> net int create -vserver source -lif l1 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node cl1-01 -home-port e0d -address -netmask -status-admin up
Login from windows to target....
cl1::> iscsi initiator show
(output is something like...)
source l1 3
cl1::> igroup create -vserver source -igroup win -protocol mixed -ostype windows -initiator
cl1::> lun map -vserver source -path /vol/lvol/l1 -igroup win
On windows, rescan disks
On windows, create a new simple volume and put some data in it
cl2::> vserver create -vserver dest -subtype default -rootvolume rv -aggregate aggr1 -rootvolume-security-style unix
cl2::> vol create -vserver dest -volume dest -aggregate aggr1 -size 2g -state online -type DP
cl2::> vserver peer create -vserver dest -peer-vserver source -applications snapmirror -peer-cluster cl1
cl1::vserver> vserver peer accept -vserver source -peer-vserver dest
cl2::> snapmirror create -source-path source:lvol -destination-path dest:dest -throttle unlimited -identity-preserve false -type DP -
cl2::> snapmirror initialize -destination-path dest:dest
cl2::> lun show -vserver dest
cl2::> net int create -vserver dest -lif l1 -role data -data-protocol iscsi -home-node cl2_1 -home-port e0c -address -netmask
cl2::> vserver iscsi create -vserver dest
cl2::> lun map -vserver dest -path /vol/dest/l1 -igroup win
On windows, login to cl2 target svm
cl1::>vserver> lun offline -vserver source -path /vol/lvol/l1
cl2::> snapmirror break -destination-path dest:dest