solaris 11 svcadm listcust -M

Deleting a service from the SMF repository.

1. svcadm disable newsvc
2. svccfg delete newsvc
(this will not really delete the service but it 'MASKS' it.
3. svcs newsvc
(no instances will be found)
4. svccfg listcust -M | grep newsvc
svc:/site/newsvc:default manifest MASKED
5. svccfg
svc:/select newsvc
Deleting customizations for service: site/newsvc
svc:/site/newsvc> quit

The service is now back online.
To really delete the service from the repository:

1. delete the manifest xml file
rm /lib/svc/manifest/site/newsvc.xml
2. run the importer.
svcadm restart manifest-import
3. svcs newsvc
svcs: Pattern 'newsvc' doesn't match any instances

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