Command Line Application
VMware Workstation includes a separate application, vmrun, for operating teams or virtual machines from the command line.
VMware Workstation includes a separate application, vmrun, for operating teams or virtual machines from the command line.
To launch the vmrun application, from the command prompt, enter:
Valid vmrun commands and options are described in the following table:
Command | Description | Option |
list | Lists all running virtual machines. | None |
start | Start a virtual machine or team. | [Path to .vmx file (virtual machine)]or[Path to .vmtm file (team)] |
stop | Stop a virtual machine or team. | [Path to.vmx file (virtual machine)]or[Path to.vmtm file (team)] |
reset | Reset a virtual machine or team. | [Path to.vmx file (virtual machine)]or[Path to.vmtm file (team)] |
suspend | Suspend a virtual machine or team. | [Path to.vmx file (virtual machine)]or[Path to.vmtm file (team)] |
upgradevm | Upgrade a virtual machine to the current Workstation version. | [Path to.vmx file] |
installtools | Install VMware Tools in the guest operating system. In Windows guests, the VMware Tools installer runs automatically. In Linux guests, this command connects the virtual machine's virtual CD-ROM drive to the VMware Tools ISO image for that guest, but the installer does not start automatically: you must complete the installation with additional manual steps, as described in VMware Tools for Linux Guests. | [Path to.vmx file] |
snapshot | Create a snapshot of a virtual machine | [Path to.vmx file] [snapshot name] |
listSnapshots | List all snapshots in a virtual machine | [Path to.vmx file] |
deleteSnapshot | Remove a snapshot from a virtual machine | [Path to.vmx file] [snapshot name] |
revertToSnapshot | Go to a snapshot in a virtual machine.If a snapshot has a unique name within a virtual machine, you can revert to that snapshot simply by specifying the path to the virtual machine's configuration file and the snapshot name: [Path to .vmx file][snapshot name]If several snapshots have the same name, you can still specify a snapshot by including a "pathname" for the snapshot name. A pathname is a series of snapshot names, separated by forward slash characters ("/"). Each name specifies a different snapshot in the tree, and together the names in a pathname will specify a path from the root snapshot to the snapshot you are naming. For example, suppose you include the pathname "snap1/snap2". This will identify a snapshot named "snap2" that was taken from the state of a root snapshot named "snap1". Because the forward slash can be used in a pathname to specify a particular snapshot in the revertToSnapshot command, it is recommended that you avoid using the slash character when you name a snapshot, since this will make it difficult for you to predict which snapshot a pathname will identify. |
[Path to.vmx file] [snapshot name]or[Path to.vmx file] [snapshot name1/ snapshot name2] |