netapp 7-mode lun failover

This procedure describes a method to activate your iscsi lun
in from a snapmirror destination if the source fails or is taken

1. you have an iscsi lun mapped to a host; the lun resides in svolume on sfiler.

2. you setup a snapmirror between the source that holds the lun
and the destination that receives the lun.
snapmirror initialize -S

3. you put some files in the active lun.

4. you offline the lun.
lun offline

5. you run a snapmirror update to update the lun for
the last time.
snapmirror update –S
snapmirror quiesce

6. you get the serial number of the lun that is about to fail.
lun show -v

7. you break the snapmirror relationship.
and give the destination lun the correct serial (the one you recorded.
snapmirror break
lun serial

8. you online the lun
lun online

9. you map the lun.
lun map

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