solaris 11 vncserver

Enable XDMCP connections by editing the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file.

Restart the GDM service.
# svcadm restart gdm

Enable the Xvnc inetd service.
# inetadm -e xvnc-inetd
Connect from another machine and verify that you see the login screen and can log in to a desktop session.
# vncviewer hostname:port number

Start the VNC server.
# /usr/bin/vncserver
Enter the VNC server password.

New 'myhost:2 ()' desktop is myhost:2

Creating default startup script /home/user1/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /home/user1/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/user1/.vnc/myhost:2.log

From another machine, run the vncviewer command with the address reported by the vncserver command.
# vncviewer hostname:portnumber

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