solaris11 create multiple repositoryservers

original url: omnios.omniti

Creating Repos #

Why? Because it's easy. It's also a good way to separate packages with different dispositions, such as core OS vs. site-specific.
First, create the repo. Any directory will do, but it's usually a good idea to make a filesystem for your repo, which is trivial with ZFS but it can be UFS or NFS just as easily.
# zfs create data/myrepo
# pkgrepo create /data/myrepo
# pkgrepo set -s /data/myrepo publisher/
The last command sets the default publisher to be "". A publisher is an entity that builds packages. Publishers are named for uniqueness among a list of possible software providers. Using Internet domain-style names or registered trademarks provides a natural namespace.
At this point there is a fully-functioning pkg repository at file:///data/myrepo. The local machine can use this repository, but it's more likely that you'll want other machines to be able to access this repo.
Configure pkg.depotd to provide remote access. pkg.depotd provides an HTTP interface to a pkg repo. Here we are going to make the repo server listen on port 10000, and use the repo dir we created as its default.
# svcadm disable pkg/server
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root = /data/myrepo
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/port = 10000
# svcadm refresh pkg/server
# svcadm enable pkg/server
Additional Depot Servers #

To create a additional depot servers, create a new instance of the pkg/server service for each repository you wish to serve. You'll need to change the filesystem path to the root of the repository, and optionally the port to listen on and whether to allow publishing.
# svccfg -s pkg/server
svc:/application/pkg/server> add mycoolsw
svc:/application/pkg/server> select mycoolsw
svc:/application/pkg/server:mycoolsw> addpg pkg application
svc:/application/pkg/server:mycoolsw> setprop pkg/inst_root = astring: "/data/mycoolsw"
svc:/application/pkg/server:mycoolsw> setprop pkg/port = count: 10003
svc:/application/pkg/server:mycoolsw> setprop pkg/readonly = false
svc:/application/pkg/server:mycoolsw> exit
# svcadm refresh pkg/server:mycoolsw
# svcadm enable pkg/server:mycoolsw
There is now a depot server running at port 10003 that allows publishing (the default is read-only). Note that pkg.depotd provides no authentication, so you may wish to put a reverse-proxy server in front of it if you are going to expose the service publicly. The proxy would need to limit request methods to HEAD and GET for untrusted users.

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